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How can the National CLAS Standards help you develop a more culturally competent practice?

By Stacey Hurrell, CNE, DNP, RN, LSN posted 04-13-2019 16:02


CLAS stands for ‘Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services’.  If you haven’t heard of these Standards, developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health,, you’ll want to stop by my e-poster session at the NASN annual conference in June to learn more about how the standards can become an effective framework used to develop a greater level of cultural competency in your school health practice.

NASN collaborated with the Office of Minority Health in 2016 to create a webinar on how the CLAS Standards apply specifically to school health.  I utilized the webinar in my DNP project as a launching point to create a customized year-long cultural competency program for the school nurses in my district.  Free access to the webinar and accompanying discussion booklet make this an easy way to initiate discussions and plan strategies to increase school nurse confidence when caring for culturally diverse students.

Cultural competency is a complex, continual journey that we must embark upon as we try to meet the needs of our students in an increasingly culturally diverse society.  I look forward to sharing more about how my project may inspire programming for others – see you in June!


