Social and Emotional Health > Self Care
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the personal and professional lives of many individuals, including school nurses. Many of us have faced challenges that have elicited taxing emotions including fear, anxiety, stress, sadness, and grief. These emotions may have an effect on your mental and physical wellbeing. Taking care of yourself is important so that you can help others in your life navigate through this time.
The role of the school nurse is to be a role model and educate about the importance of self-care for yourself and school staff to provide compassionate and empathetic interactions with other staff, students, and families.
Key Considerations :
Supporting physical health wellbeing:
- Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet
- Keep hydrated, drink plenty of water
- Implement a regular exercise routine
- Get adequate sleep
- Spend time outside enjoying nature (e.g. walking or biking in a park)
- Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate daily
- Avoid risky behaviors such as abusing alcohol, tobacco, substance use or excessive gambling
- Follow social distancing guidelines and public health recommendations
- Continue with routine preventative care as recommended by your healthcare provider (e.g. preventive screenings, vaccinations (including COVID-19 vaccination))
Supporting mental health wellbeing:
- Limit watching TV, reading and listening to news stories
- Set and maintain a routine at home
- Engage in activities that help you relax (e.g. listening to music, reading a book, walking, exercising, laughter)
- Focus on positive thoughts and things to be grateful for today
- Look for ways to help your community (e.g. donations, checking on older people in your community)
- Use technology to connect with friends and family regularly (e.g. phone calls or video chats)
- Focus on things you can control
- Maintain relationships with family, friends, and social support systems such as faith communities
NASN Resources
Mental Health: Tips for Today's Students and Nurses Webinar
CDC Resources
Coping with Stress
Helping Children Cope
Support for Teens and Young Adults
Anxiety and Depression in Children
Other Resources
Wellness Wheel for Self Care. Strategies for Frontline School Staff | Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Filling Your Cup: Comprehensive Self-Care Strategies - An eLearning Companion Guide for School Leaders (Requires a login, but access to all trainings and resources are free of charge) | Alliance for a Healthier Generation