I am sorry to report that our bill HB 196 did not pass the House. It was presented on the floor of the House of Representatives and Rep. Currie did a wonderful job. I believe that we had the votes and that it would have passed if it had come to a vote. A member of the House tried to amend the bill so they recommitted it back to committee. Since the deadlline had passed to move the bills out of committee, this killed the bill. We will continue to work to pass this legislation. This is the farthest we have gotten in the process and we are becoming more knowledgeable in the legislative process. Many members put significant effort in getting this bill passed and I appreciate the strong advocates you have become. We cannot stop. We need to continue to have a voice in legislation. Hopefully, our next step into legislation will be to put a nurse in every school in Mississippi. Thank you for all your hard work. I would also like to thank Representative Becky Currie, Speaker Pro Tem Greg Snowden, Representative Sam Mims, Senator Brice Wiggins, and Senator Sean Tindell for their work on our behalf.
Written on March 4, 2016 by Diane Chaney, BSN, RN, NCSN, President
Mississippi School Nurse Association