I am so excited to announce that we have three bills in the legislature. They are all to remove the unjust cap on school nurse certification. Currently, only 35 nurses can receive the certification stipend of $6000. Those slots are full now so the nurses currently receiving certification must have someone retire, or get out of school nursing before receiving the stipend. Totally unjust since school teachers, counselors, SLPs have no cap. There is one other cap on language specialists. I am asking that you ask your representatives and senators for support of these bills.
HB 196 introduced by Rep. Beckie Currie from Brookhaven removes the cap on school nurses. This bill has been sent to the Revenue and Expenditure General Bills Committee.
HB 219 introduced by Rep. Sam Mims from McComb area removes the cap from school nurses and language specialists. This bill also has been sent to the Revenue and Expenditure General Bills Committee.
SB 2248 introduced by Senator Brice Wiggins from Jackson County and Senator Sean Tindell from Harrison County removes the cap for school nurses. This bill has been double referred to appropriations and education.
Written on February 8, 2016 by Diane Chaney, BSN, RN, NCSN, President
Mississippi School Nurse Association