This content was shared on February 14, 2017
Good Morning School Nurses,
Please take a moment and read the email below from Piper Largent, Director of Government Affairs for NASN, about making your voices heard during this 115th Congressional Session. It is vital for School Nurses to stay in the loop and be visible by advocating for access to healthcare for our students. Proposals to cut medicaid by block granting and per capita income is floating out there. We are the student's strongest advocates for healthcare policy change. During the NASN winter board meeting, I had the opportunity to meet with Senator Wicker and Senator Cochran's Legislative Assistance on the Hill to discuss NASN's four legislative priorities:
- CHIP Reauthorization
- Medicaid in Schools
- Child Nutrition Reauthorization
Senator Jon Tester from Montana will reintroduce the Nurse Act which will allocate funding through grants for School Nurses to be employed in school districts based on high need. It is too early for the bills to have numbers. I will keep you informed as I receive the information.
To make sure your voice is heard, contact your Senator and Representative at their district office and ask about scheduling an appointment during the upcoming District Work week: Feb.20-24th or or check their schedule on their website.
They will be home meeting with constituents that week.
Thank you for all you do to better the lives of your students. You are valuable! More to come about the high energy board meeting I attended in DC last week.
Have a great day!
Traci Easterling, RN, MSN, NCSN
NASN Director
"A joyful heart is good medicine". Proverbs 17:22