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Naloxone in Schools Toolkit

By Sharon Conley, BA posted 03-10-2017 13:25


Opioid drug abuse is a concern that affects the entire community. The decision to implement a stock naloxone program in schools should be a community decision. The school nurse is a leader in student health and has the education and expertise to assist the community and school leadership in assessing the need for a stock naloxone program.

NASN's naloxone toolkit offers numerous resources to assist school nurses and other school leaders to evaluate and respond to the opioid epidemic appropriately.

Access the toolkit on the NASN Learning Center.

1 comment



06-14-2019 12:46

This toolkit is incredible! It contains all the resources I need to implement a Narcan program in my schools. The trainings are thorough and easy to use and saved me a lot of time, I did not need to create my own powerpoints!