The Private, Independent, and Parochial School Nurses (PIPSN) special interest group (SIG) was formed in 1994 to promote communication and exchange of ideas among registered nurses who work in private, independent, and parochial schools. These nurses are often isolated from health care professionals, and are frequently the sole health care provider in his or her school community.
DOWNLOAD THE BROCHURE. The brochure includes a description of the special interest group and benefits for members.
Contact PIPSN Leaders:
Group Leaders
Chair: Deborah Jo Kummer, BSN, RN, CGRN, New York:
Immediate Past Chair: Cheryl Blake, MSN, RN, NCSN, North Carolina:
Vice Chair: Vacant
Secretary: Linda Register, MSN, RN, NCSN, North Carolina:
Membership Co-chairs
Kristin Beers, MSN, RN, SANE, Kentucky:
Fairuz J. Manion PhDc, MSN, RN, Maryland:
Award Chair: Betsy Looney, BSN, RN, NCSN, Virginia:
Newsletter: Linda Register, MSN, RN, NCSN, North Carolina:
SNN Online Community Administrator: Cassidie Thomas, BSN, RN, PHN, California:
Public Relations: Theresa Hartel, MSN, RN, Massachusetts:
Group Outreach
Professional development offered at the NASN Annual Conference.
Articles in the NASN School Nurse published bi-monthly.
The Outstanding Private, Independent, and Parochial School Nurse Recognition Award recognizes an outstanding member for significant contributions to non-public school nursing.
Online Community and Discussion List on SchoolNurseNet
The community on SchoolNurseNet enables members to network with their colleagues throughout the year.