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Michigan Association of School Nurses- a History of Hardworking School Nurses!

By Rachel VanDenBrink, MSN, RN posted 01-29-2019 15:48


The Michigan Association of School Nurses (MASN) is one of the few affiliate organizations that is even older than its National organization!  MASN has a long history of school nurses coming together to promote the health of children.  As far back into the 1950s school nurses in the “Mitten” state were collaborating to promote the specialty of school nursing.  In 1959, at a national conference of School Health, a school nurse leader from Michigan even called an informal meeting of other school nurses from across the nation to discuss their thoughts on forming a specialty organization for school nurses! It was soon after that, on March 26, 1960, that the Great Lake state school nurses voted to become an official organization with officers, bylaws, and a regular newsletter sent to its membership.

Through the years, MASN has maintained is efforts to promote the specialty of school nursing practice and to always be an excellent voice in school health.  Every student deserves a school nurse!  With no overarching Michigan legislation to mandate a school nurse, we have always had to be our best advocate for ourselves and for the safety of our state’s students.  We provide education and support to not only our 150+ members, but we also provide the same to our state legislators, Departments of Education, and Health & Human Services.

Some points of pride over our long history:

  • 1972, School Nurses could obtain certification as a school nurse from the State of MI
  • 1974-75, Nancy Parker, a school nurse from Michigan, served as President of Department of School Nurses
  • 1999, Website created:
  • 2004, Added requirement for an individualized health care plan to be in place with self carry Epipen/Asthma Inhaler legislation
  • 2010, Celebrated 50 years as an organization
  • 2011, State School Nurse Consultant position created


We would love congratulate NASN on 50 years—may we continue to work together in a most excellent way to promote the health of our children!


