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  • NASN is asking all school nurses to claim—or identify—the school(s) they serve. This will enable us to identify staffing gaps and target our advocacy and development efforts more effectively. And don't worry—if you are a district-level employee, you can ...

  • Cathy Yonkaitis, NASN School Nurse Editor, interviews author Loree LaChance to discuss the article "The United States Constitution: Legal Literacy and School Nursing." You can learn more about this article by reading the abstract below and ...

  • Hello NASN2024 attendees! What an amazing energy at this year's conference! Here is the link for the resources I shared during my breakout session on Sunday afternoon: ...

  • The NASN School Nursing Practice Framework™ ( Framework ) creates an overarching structure that includes concepts integral to the complex clinical specialty practice of school nursing. It illustrates the fundamental principles of professional ...

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  • Dear Colleagues, A heartfelt thank you to those who allowed me their time today to share my research on the experiences of school nurse contractors with a virtual clinical nursing advisor. I feel I have made new friends! Please keep in touch! ...

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