Funded Research Projects

Funded NASN Research Grants


Determinants of School Nurse-Sensitive Outcome Indicators
Mayumi Willigerodt, PhD, MPH, MS, RN
Research Team: Kristin Griffith, MS; Barbara Cochrane, PhD, RN, FAAN; Susan Spieker, PhD; Kathleen Johnson, DNP, RN, NCSN, PHNA-BC, FNASN

District Level School Nurse Staffing Characteristics and School Districts' Provision of Health Services for Children with Chronic Illness
Ellen McCabe, PhD, PNP-BC, RN
Research Team: Beth E. Jameson, PhD, RN; Sheila Strauss, PhD


School Nurse Factors Associated with Medications Administration Accuracy and School Nurse Case Management for Students with Chronic Conditions
Nakia Best, PhD, RN
Research Team: Sonda Oppewal, PhD, RN, PHNA-BC; Bosny Pierre-Lous, DrPH, MPH; Debbie Travers, PhD, RN; Ann Nichols, MSN, RN, NCSN

Association of School Nurse Staffing with Student Health and Academic Outcome
Dr. Krista Schroeder, PhD, RN
Research Team: Gail Adman, MPH, RN; Martha Kubik, PhD, RN, FAAN


Factors associated with school nurses' self-efficacy of asthma management and performance of asthma management behaviors: An observational, cross-sectional study
Ellen McCabe, MSN, PNP-BC, RN
Research Team: Terri Lipman, PhD, RN and Catherine McDonald, PhD, RN


Developing a Workload Instrument for School Nursing
Beth Jameson, MSN, RN, CSN
Research Team: Lori S. Anderson PhD, MS, BSN; Patricia Endsley, FNP, BSN; Marti Engelke PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN; Erin D. Maughan PhD, MS, RN, APHN-BC, FNASN, FAAN

An Exploratory Study of Bullying Exposure Among School Nurses: Prevalence and Impact
Anya Peters, PhD, RN, CNE
Research Team: Mazen El Ghaziri, PhD, RN; Brenna Quinn, PhD, RN, NCSN; Shellie Simons, PhD, RN; Rosemary Taylor, PhD, RN, CNL


Step Up and Be Counted!
Leadership Team of NASN and NASSNC Members: Martha Bergren, DNS, RN, NCSN, APHN-BC, FNASN, FASHA, FAAN; Marjorie Cole, MSN, RN; Kathleen Hoy Johnson, DNP, MN, RN-BC, NCSN; Erin Maughan, PhD, RN, APHN-BC, FAAN, FNASN; Estelle Watts, DNP, RN, NCSN; Linda Wolfe, PhD, MS, RN, NCSN, FNASN

Teachers as Pain Assessment Collaborators
Brenna Leda Quinn, PhD, RN, NCSN
Research Team: Richard W. Serna, PhD, BA; Carol Curtin, PhD, MSW


Public Health Intervention Wheel: School Nurse Practice Stories
Cynthia Hiltz, MS, RN, PHN, Licensed School Nurse, NCSN
Research Team: Marjorie Schaffer, PhD, RN, PHN; Linda Anderson, DNP, MPH, RN, PHN; Stacie O’Leary, BSN, RN, PHN, Licensed School Nurse; Cheryl Smoot, MPH, RN, PHN, FASHA; Ruth Ellen Luehr, MS, RN, PHN, Licensed School Nurse, FNASN


In-School Pain Assessments for Students with Special Needs
Brenna L. Quinn, PhD-C, RN


Barriers and Challenges of Regular-Education Teachers Having Students with Chronic Conditions
Janice Selekman, DNSc, RN, NCSN, FNASN, Delaware 
Selekman, J. (2016). Students with chronic conditions: Experiences and challenges of regular education teachers. The Journal of School Nursing. doi: 10.1177/1059840516674053

The Importance of Chronotype in Adolescent Sleep and Obesity Research
Susan K. Malone, MSN, RN, NCSN; Terri Lipman, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, and Babette Zemel, PhD
​Malone, S., Zemel, B., Compher, C., Souders, M., Chittams, J., Thompson, A.L., & Lipman, T. (2015). Characteristics associated with sleep duration, chronotype, and social jet lag in adolescents. The Journal of School Nursing. 32(2). 120 - 131.


School Health Data Collection: The Wisdom of School Nurse Administrators
Kathleen H. Johnson, MN, RN, NCSN, Washington


Prioritizing School Nursing Outcomes: A National Delphi Study
Erin D. Maughan, RN, PhD, APHN-BC, Utah

Attitudes and Practices of School Nurses and Pediatric Primary Care Providers to Collaboration Around Childhood Obesity
Mary Laurette Hughes, RN, BSN, PNP, MSN, Vermont


School Nurses’ Role in Identifying and Referring Children At-risk for Noise Induced Hearing Loss
Candace Hendershot, RN, BSN, MS, MA, PhD; and Lori Pakulski, BA, MS, PhD; Amy Thompson, BS, MS, PhD; and Jamie Dowling, BSW, MPH, Ohio
Hendershot, C., Pakulski, L., Thompson, A., Dowling, J. & Price, J. (2011). School nurses' role in identifying and referring children at risk of noise-induced hearing loss. The Journal of School Nursing. 27(5). 380 - 389.
Using Digital Storytelling as a Voice for Adolescent Females Who Self-Injure
Rhonda Goodman, PhD, ARNP, FNP-BC, NCSN (nee Lesniak), Florida 


Using Distance Technology to Deliver Asthma Education to School Nurses in an Appalachian Area: ADEP (Asthma Distance Education Program)
Heidi Putman-Casdorph, PhD, Assistant Professor and Susan Marie Pinto, RN, MSN, APN, CFNP, West Virginia
Putman-Casdorph, H. & Pinto, S. (2011). Preliminary testing of an asthma distance education program (ADEP) for school nurses in appalachia. Journal of School Nursing. 27(6), 411-415. doi:10.1177/1059840511420162.
Refinement and Psychometric Testing of a Tool to Assess Facial Muscle Weakness in Children
Shirley Gordon, PhD, RN, Florida
Shirley C. Gordon, S. C., Blum, C. A., & Parcells, D. A. (2010). Psychometric testing of the Gordon Facial Muscle Weakness Assessment Tool. Journal of School Nursing. 26(6), 461-472.doi:10.1177/1059840510384266  
Playing It Safe: A Coordinated Approach to Injury Prevention
Jessica H. Dawson, RN, BSN, MPH, Virginia


An Intervention to Increase High School Students' Compliance with Carrying Auto-Injectable Epinephrine: A MASNRN Study
Jennifer Spina, RN, MSN, NCSN, Massachusetts

An Investigative Study: What Are the Concerns of Massachusetts School Nurses in Managing Mental/Behavioral Health Issues in School?
Mary Ann Gapinski, RN, MSN, NCSN, Massachusetts


Implement the Healthy Learner Model in Student Wellness to Improve Outcomes for Elementary Students (K-6) and ADHD
Denise Herrmann, RN, MSN, CPNP, Minnesota

What does your school nurse do?
Erin D. Maughan, RN, MSN, PhD, Utah
Maughan, E. & Adams, R. (2011). Educators’ and parents’ perception of what school nurses do: The influence of school nurse/student ratios. Journal of School Nursing, 27(5), 355-363. doi: 10.1177/1059840511416368


Promoting Immunizations in Students with Chronic Conditions
Judith A. Aubin, BSN, MEd, Massachusetts


Understanding the Context for Translating Evidence-based Practice into School Nursing
Susan Adams, RN, BSN, Iowa
Adams. S. & McCarthy, A. (2016). Evidence-based practice and school nursing. The Journal of School Nursing. 21(5), 258 - 265.

Coordinated School Health and District/Student Success
Sheri Coburn, EdD, RN, MSN, California
Stoltz, A., Coburn, S., & Knickelbein, A. (2009). Building local infrastructure for coordinated school health programs: A pilot study. The Journal of School Nursing. (25)2, 133 - 140.

School Based Peak Flow Education and Monitoring
Marie DeSisto, RN, MSN, Massachusetts
Pulcini, J., DeSisto, M.C., & McIntyre, C.L. (2007). An intervention to increase the use of asthma action plans in schools: A MASNRN study. The Journal of School Nursing. 23(3), 170-176.


School Nurses' Perceptions of Bullying, a survey
Candace Hendershot, Ohio
Hendershot, C., Dake, J., Price, J., & Lartey, G. (2006). Elementary school nurses' perceptions of student bullying.  The Journal of School Nursing. 22(4), 229-235.

Lack of Follow-up Exams After Failed School Vision Screenings: An Investigation of Causative Factors
Linda Kimel, RN, MS, Illinois
Kimel, S. (2006). Lack of follow-up exams after failed school vision screenings: an investigation of contributing factors.  The Journal of School Nursing. 22(3), 156-162.


Variation Among School Health Personnel
Pam Buchalter, RN, MSN, Georgia

IEP Review of Medication Inclusion Study
Mary Ostendorf, RN, MS, Ohio

The Impact of Budget, Delegation & Certification on the Future of the School Nurse: A Statewide Study
Theresa Tetuan, RN, BSN, MSE, Kansas
Tetuan, T. & Akagi, C. (2004). The effects of budget, delegation, and other variables on the future of school nursing.  The Journal of School Nursing. 20(6), 352-358.


Families Experiencing Persistent Head Lice
Shirley Gordon, RN, PhD, Florida
Gordon, S. (2007). Shared vulnerability: A theory of caring for children with persistent head lice. The Journal of School Nursing, 23(5), 283-298.

An Investigation of the ability of the Minnesota Early Childhood Screening Program to predict education achievement in third grade children
Martha Bergren, RN, MSN, NCSN, Illinois

The Self Perceptions of Adolescents with ADHD
Pat Bitar, RN, BSN, MNEd, Pennsylvania

ANF Scholars -- Funded NASN-ANF Research Grants

2019 -- Melvina Brandau, PhD, MS, RN, Ohio University - Athens.  The title of her research project is "Digital Citizenship for School-Aged Children: An Intervention Study."

2018 -- Hannah Fraley, PhD, RN, CNE, California State University - Fullerton.  The title of her research project is "Engaging School Nurses in Prevention of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: A National Survey of School Nurses.”

2017 -- Colleen M. McGovern, PhD(c), MPH, RN, The Ohio State University.  The title of her research project is “COPE for Asthmna: A Cognitive Behavior Skills Building Intervention to Improve Physical and
Emotional Outcomes.”

2016 -- Rachel McClanahan, DNP, RN, NCSN, California State University, Fullerton.  The title of her research project is “Understanding LVN Utilization, Supervision and Workload Impact in Schools.”

2015 -- Christine A. Feeley, PhD, RN, from the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing.  The title of the project is "Examining Sleep Disruption in Caregivers of Young Children with Type 1 Diabetes."

2014 -- Karen Johnson, PhD, RN, University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing.  The title of the project is "Exploring the role of the school nurse in addressing health-risk behaviors during and after sports physicals: A mixed methods approach."

2013 -- No recipient due to a lack of qualified applicants.

2012 -- Rula Wilson, DNP, MS, RN, SANE-P, Assistant Professor, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey -  School of Nursing, was awarded the 2012 NASN / American Nurses Foundation grant for her study: Knowledge, Practices, and Attitudes about HPV Vaccination: Ethnically Diverse Hispanic Mothers & Healthcare Providers

2011 -- Dr. Rhonda Goodman, Assistant Professor, Florida Atlantic University, was awarded the 2011 NASN / American Nurses Foundation grant to study A Digital Storytelling Intervention to Reduce Stress in Adolescent Females.  Congratulations Rhonda!! 

2010 -- Dr. Ellen B. Buckner, DSN, RN was named the 2010 NASN / American Nurses Foundation Scholar.  Dr. Buckner received $3500 to conduct the research study: Building a Statewide Infrastructure for School Nurse Research.  Dr. Buckner is on faculty at the University of Southern Alabama.  NASN congratulates Dr. Buckner!!